Created by the InternationalInformation Systems Security Certification Consortium the InformationSystems Security Professional (CISSP) is a data security certification, called the
(ISC)².The CISSP is a certification looked by IT experts with work titles, for
example, security evaluator, security frameworks build, security draftsman and
boss data security officer, among others.
Information security the most important area in any
association and with a CISSP certification; holders may discover their activity
advancing into something significantly greater. The CISSP certification fills
in as a differentiator for applicants, with the certification improving the
attractiveness and validity of an expert. Further, with information security
ending up progressively fundamental in associations of all shapes, sizes, and
sorts, holders of this certification are given a superior welfare bundle
contrasted with non-holders.
NAHDA International Academy in Kuwait specializes in providing its CISSP aspirant the
various strengths in combating a number of threats and attacks which are given
Secured systems broken
into using viruses, Trojans, worms
Overloading system or
application by sending huge amounts of data/ traffic
Stealing data or
sabotaging networks in close physical proximity
Malicious code introduced
into trusted software during distribution
Zero day attack- existing
vulnerability in code exploited
Information sessions
between two users interrupted and data rerouted
Ex-employees or saboteurs
manipulating company’s networks from inside
Passwords of accounts
cracked using brute force or wordlist techniques
Monitor encrypted
traffic-results in disclosure of sensitive information
Sensitive user information
gathered by creating fake web pages mimicking the real page
Modification of source address
of data packets to bypass firewalls
The CISSP qualification is an esteemed certification
for most experts and is exceedingly regarded by a dominant part of expansive,
worldwide majors like Google, P&G, IBM, and so forth. The CISSP has been
the most-mainstream IT security certification for more than two and half
decades, which says a lot about the value confirmed experts, get from obtaining
a CISSP and its importance in an evolving world. The CISSP certification is
viewed as the excellent head of certifications and has had very nearly three
decades to create, bringing about a tremendous assemblage of ability and
mastery. With information security winding up progressively in associations of
all shapes, sizes, and sorts, holders of this certification are given a
superior welfare bundle contrasted with non-holders. With a CISSP certification,
you are guaranteed of a place at the exceptionally front of the line as
expanded spending starts to means IT security enlisting binges.
The topics during the training of CISSP, covered by NAHDA International Academy in Kuwait are:
v Access controls framework and system
v Best administration rehearses
v Cryptography
v Catastrophe recuperation and business congruity
v Examination laws and morals
v Frameworks and application security advancement
v Physical security
v Security models and structures
v Systems administration and broadcast communications
v Tasks security
Four reason why!
v Better Risk
Management :
CISSP proficient remain current with universal
administrative models like GLBA, HIPAA, SOX, FERPA, FISMA, DoD Directive 8570.1
and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Protection necessities command that all
the developing and advancing security dangers are met with all around prepared
and experienced experts. CISSP competitors are exceptionally proficient in all
fields of data framework security and controls to address those issues.
v HR:
Organizations realize that CISSP experts are the
best wager with regards to data security. The ISC benchmarks expect experts to
have quantifiable information, characterized ranges of abilities and sorted
involvement. HR divisions that utilize CISSP experts certify their more
grounded procuring gauges and procedures.
v Showcasing:
Customers and customers who collaborate with
organizations need to realize that correspondences, associations and all other
data is secured and kept private. CISSP experts can help guarantee that the
organization is meeting security and ISO guidelines and that their notoriety
with clients stays solid.
v Quality
CISSP guaranteed experts accompany a high broadness
of learning. They are generalists with claims to fame in different spaces of IT
security and considered among the most esteemed representatives to keep
framework protected and secure.
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