evolution of mankind from Stone Age to literate age and from that to the age of
digital realm has witnessed gradual yet miraculous changes. From the times when
communication and interaction was done by drawing symbolic pictures on stones
without having any indication of what literacy was to the times when literacy
was at its peak with a massive amount of reading and writing material and now
to the times when literacy has taken shift into another form of communication,
interaction, learning, earning and living that can be can be done in a virtual
world where nothing is connected physically. The world that has integrated all
the forms of older technologies into a device that is smaller than a human’s
hand. The globe is now like a village where everyone is connected to each other
despite of geographical differences, where education, interaction, employment
and diverse courses of life can happen on a platform that operates in a virtual
environment and that has surpassed all the gigantic and expensive technologies.
is an era of information superhighway where data, information, graphics and
sound can travel in a course of some seconds between even two distant places.
This happens due to the information technology that has immense power as it can
transmit, manipulate, store, read, retrieve and study the data by the
employment of an application in computers. Every passing year is unfolding
phenomenal extensions of this digital space. Today, one can’t imagine doing any
task without the support and utilization of this digital technology as
information technology is indispensible for the development of any nation
new millennium of information technology has paved its way by making
individuals dependent on it. As Marshal McLuhan (1967) stated that “medium is
that message”, whatever medium we use to carry out our tasks is actually the
depiction of where we stand. This is an era of technology determinism where we
are “growing up wired”. Our great dependency on information technology via
digital devices calls for attention as the need of the hour is to learn,
practice, improve and employ this information technology to have good results
in a long run. Lately, a number of businesses based on information technology
are being set up both in developed and developing countries. This raises
demands on getting professional trainings to ensure the quality and management
of information technology.
essentiality of information technology can be understood by its growing use in
security, human resource, finance, manufacturing, trade and education. Where
businesses are adapting this technology, the globe is also undergoing the same
changes by employing information technology in both personal and professional
tasks. The growth of any business is based on the innovative step it takes and
information makes it possible and thus contributes in the growth of any
business. It has fostered the growth of businesses by taking them in the
competitive environment. It has open ways for better customer relations and
marketing. Moreover it has improved human resource. From buying and selling on
the internet to the security of nation state, the information technology has
made everything easier and possible. The computers can save data longer than
another storage medium and can protect the data by encryption and passwords
which no other medium can do. But this is possible only when highly trained IT
professionals are carrying out these tasks and this call for the recruitment of
individuals for training that helps them to become a part of this highly
advanced system of networking.
train individuals in this sector of information technology, the certification
criteria is usually considered as a benchmark to check the credibility and
reliability of the trainee. Where the learning and training of information
technology is given to individuals in all the reputed institutes globally, NAHDAInternational Academy specializes in this regard too as it realizes the
great interest of media conglomerates and businesses around the world that are
relying in this technology. It believes that this IT Certification helps the
individuals in matters of their hiring in world class organizations and
businesses, it helps them to retain their old jobs and can even seek for new
and better opportunities, it enhances their professional credibility, it caters
in their promotions, it paves ways for their move in corporate world, The
Academy puts great effort in training its pupils so they may be able to face
any challenge in future and can excel no matter how innovative the competitor
NAHDAInternational Academy provides IT certifications in the
domains of Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, Axelos, Web Development and EC-Council.
As the change in information technology is at a fast rate, the IT professional
has to have gripped over every change of this technology and a mature training
helps him to have a command over this change. The IT certification helps
individual in the following ways:
v Any
business or organization is likely to give priority to the one that holds the
certification as it enhances the image of that individual.
v The
business or organization’s image is enhanced when it involves people who have
additional certifications and trainings.
v The
certification helps in building confidence in the individual as it confirms
that individual’s skills and creativity.
v It
helps in reaching the professional goals in a productive and skillful way
v The
IT Certifications help in marketing an individual’s skills and help him reach
his very aim.
v The
certifications are not absolute but they ask for recertification that enables
an individual to always be in a learning environment and the learning procedure
in this way doesn’t face decline.
to ensure one’s stability, innovativeness, creativity, professionalism, skills,
confidence and command over information technology, the certifications are
indispensable for that individual’s professional growth and NAHDAInternational Academy is making sure that every individual with a zeal
to be an IT Professional gets this certified training and learning in an
environment that boosts the ambition, devotion and confidence of that
individual and enables him to fascinate the world with his IT Specialist
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